A versatile hat is a necessity for anyone who travels to destinations around the globe. Finding suitable hats may require the purchaser to try many different options. After evaluating several head coverings, it may be necessary to select more than one so you have a few hats to meet all of your criteria. Throughout the process, keep in mind seven important points— packability, style, fit, protection from Mother Nature, washability, overall quality, and affordability.
After traveling for decades, I have collected a bunch of travel hats which I rotate to prevent overuse. Up until now, I have yet to find one that stands out from the rest. While I have no shortage of hats, I became interested in the Wallaroo Hat Company after a marketing representative sent me an email with a simple question— Are you interested in a Wallaroo hat for an upcoming summer getaway?
Initially, I considered responding with a one-word answer, no. But, after quickly linking to the Wallaroo Hat Company website and scrolling through the information and designs, I changed my mind. Not only did this company offer a wonderful selection of quality hats at reasonable prices, but the business was also located in one of my favorite cities, Boulder. Within a matter of minutes, I had selected several hats and was weighing the pros and cons of each style.
It should be noted that a significant part of me has been connected to Boulder since I attended the University of Colorado in the 1970s. Shortly after becoming engaged to Ira, we returned to Chicago for a few decades. When we relocated to Colorado in 2000, the physical connection to Boulder was rekindled. This fall, my second book— 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die— will be released by Reedy Press.

Selecting a Seaside Hat
For my late spring trip to Israel, I selected the Seaside hat in the camel color. Since the hat was made from microfibers, I could easily pack it in my suitcase or in a carry-on bag. A bendable four-inch brim was flexible so the hat could be contoured into a few carefree styles. While some of the Wallaroo hats come in sizes, this design only had one size that could be adjusted with an internal drawstring.
Between this simple mechanism and the chin strap, I knew that this hat could withstand windy days. Equal protection from the sun would come from the UPF score of 50+ and the brim. The breathable material running around the crown of the hat reduces the excess heat that often builds up inside a hat during hot, sunny days. Until I used the hat in Israel, it was not possible to determine the overall quality and if the hat would be washable. Both criteria exceeded my expectations.

Touring Israel with My Seaside Hat
I wore the Wallaroo Seaside hat throughout our 12-day adventure in Israel which included Jerusalem, the Galilee, Tel Aviv/Haifa, and the Negev. I did not pack any other hats. In Jerusalem’s Old City, the hat offered great protection from the sun.

Throughout our visit, we entered synagogues where I traditionally cover my head. In Hebron, we visited the historic Abraham Avinu Synagogue and stopped for a photo opportunity.

On our way North to the Galilee, we visited the Caesarea National Park which is adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. The Seaside hat was in its glory in this coastal location where sun, sand, wind, and water are key players.

When we visited the Galilee, I never left the hotel without the hat. At the Hermon Stream Nature Preserve, we hiked on a partially shaded trail. The hat was great on the sunny segments and also protected me from the mist emanating from the powerful waterfall.

Near the Golan Heights, we chatted with a handful of tank soldiers who were safeguarding the Syrian border. As you can see from the erect flag, it was a extremely windy at the Friends Never Forget Friends Memorial at Tel as Saqi in the Golan Heights.

Recommending a Seaside Camel Hat
After 12 days of using the Wallaroo Seaside hat in a variety of conditions, I came to the conclusion that it is a wonderful hat worth recommending to fellow travelers. Even when I periodically rolled up the brim for picture taking, my face remained protected and did not burn. The chin strap prevented the hat from flying away on super windy days. After returning home, I was able to wash the hat in cold soapy water and refresh it for our upcoming trip to Iceland.
Are you in the market for a versatile travel hat? Does the hat need to keep you cool on hot days? Do you want a hat that is equally effective on city streets and when trekking in diverse terrains? Are you looking for something that will be appropriate at the beach and the pool? Will you be traveling to windy locations where a hat needs to remain secure? Do you want a washable hat that takes up minimal space in your travel gear?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, consider Wallaroo’s Seaside hat. It is a great addition to your travel wardrobe and currently retails for around $50.
Sandy Bornstein received a complimentary hat from Wallaroo Hat Company. The Traveling Bornsteins were partially hosted by Israel My Way. All of my opinions are my own.
When Sandy isn’t trekking or writing in the Colorado Rockies, she is traveling. She has visited more than 40 countries and lived as an international teacher in Bangalore, India. Sandy’s award-winning book, May This Be the Best Year of Your Life, is a resource for people contemplating an expat lifestyle and living outside their comfort zone. Sandy’s second book, 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die will be released this fall.
Sandy shares her lifestyle and travel experiences with international and domestic online sites and print media. Her stories have appeared in Arvada Lifestyle, Hemispheres, Destinations Magazine, KUHL’s Born in the Mountain blog, Grand Magazine, Wandering Educators, Golden Living, One Travel, Miles Away, Canadian Jewish News, Getting On Travel, Far and Wide, Colorado Parent, Traveler Confidential, Family Circle- Momster, and others.
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