Travel Photography and Writing
Sandy splits her time between enjoying the majesty of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains and traveling. For decades, she explored the world with her late husband, Ira Z”L (1954-2023). Early on, Ira and I realized that travel is a hands-on, life-long, educational experience. As a single person, Sandy will move at her own pace and visit destinations that cater to the 60+ market.
In memory of Ira, Sandy will keep TheTravelingBornsteins website.
She will continue to remain flexible and let her days unfold. Perhaps, some of Sandy’s future adventures will be shared with her children and grandchildren. These multi-generational outings will allow her to see the world through the eyes of her grandchildren.
When the pandemic limited travel opportunities, Sandy researched and wrote her second book, 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die. Unforeseen COVID restrictions along with temporary and permanent closures of Boulder businesses made it difficult to accomplish the required hands-on research in a timely manner.
Ira’s glioblastoma (terminal brain cancer) diagnosis in July 2020 added another hurdle to overcome. While Ira recovered from his craniotomy and underwent standard of care treatments, Sandy’s attention was focused on Ira’s wellbeing.
Countless hours were spent learning about how others beat the odds of terminal diseases. A significant amount of time was set aside to plan, to experiment, and to cook plant-based homemade foods. Sandy and Ira remained active by taking frequent strolls in the neighborhood, hiking on local trails, skiing, and traveling.
Sandy’s book, 100 Things to Do in Boulder Before You Die, was published by Reedy Press in September 2022, and received an Honorable Mention book award in the Travel Book/Guide category from the North American Travel Journalist Association (NATJA).
After a courageous three-year battle with terminal cancer, Ira passed away on July 21, 2023. To encourage others to embrace life rather than cancer, Sandy offers a For Glio page on www.sandrabornstein.com.
In 2010, Sandy had a unique expat teaching assignment in Bangalore, India. Her award-winning book, May This Be the Best Year of Your Life, is an excellent resource for teachers who are considering teaching abroad, as well as for people who are willing to step outside their comfort zone.
For more than a decade, Sandy has been sharing her travel and lifestyle experiences. Her stories appear on a multitude of online and print media outlets. TheTravelingBornsteins includes a portfolio page which has PDF versions of published stories from 2016 to the present.
Whether you’re an avid traveler or someone admiring from the sidelines, I welcome you to follow The Traveling Bornsteins.
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